What Is the Interdisciplinary School and Conference ITaS 2019?
Information technologies and systems (ITaS) is the interdisciplinary School and Conference of the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP RAS). It was established in 1966 as the annual conference of young scientists of the Institute. Interrupted in the 1990s, the tradition to hold the ITaS conferences was revived in 2007 and since then has spread far beyond the IITP RAS, each year gathering hundreds of young scientists from leading Russian and foreign research centres and universities.
In different years ITaS co-organizers included MIPT, NRU HSE, Lobachevsky NNSU (Nizhny Novgorod), Immanuel Kant BFU (Kaliningrad), the Union of Rectors and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan and KFU.
The conference of ITaS 2019 will be held in Perm, 17 – 22 September, 2019.
ITaS is a unique space for sharing scientific experience and stimulating new ideas and discoveries. Young participants of the conference discuss actual topics in diverse fields of knowledge related to the transmission and processing of information in living and technical systems, attend the plenary lectures given by leading Russian and world scientists, present to each other the results of their research. In different years, ITaS invited Chief Executive and Technical Officers of the world's leading companies such as Airbus (EADS), Worldsensing, Quantenna Communications, the Russian department of Huawei, Skolkovo resident companies including Telum, Datadvance, etc. Over the last few years ITaS has become a welcoming platform for "senior" thematic conferences such as WiFlex 2013, Yarbus 100 (2014), NEW2AN 2016 and Redundancy 2016.